C - Citta Vritti NirodhaCitta vrtti nirodhah is one of the very first lines in Patañjali’s Yoga Sutras. It describes yoga as ‘the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind’ – easier said than done, but the various practices of yoga are tools for achieving just that.

C – ChakrasChakras form part of the yogic view of our being as made up of several layers: we are not simply a physical form, we also have an energetic body (among others – we’ll cover this a little later when we reach the letter ‘K’). The seven major chakras, or energy centres, are found along the spine, and certain yoga postures may be used to balance each of them so that energy can flow freely through us, connecting us with the energy of the universe and helping us to live in harmony.

C- Chandra bhedanaChandra bhedana (‘moon piercing’) pranayama is a specific breathing technique that helps to calm and cool the body and mind by stimulating the left-hand energy channel, ida nadi, which is associated with the quieter qualities of the moon (chandra) as opposed to the more active qualities of the sun (surya) associated with the right-hand energy channel (pingala nadi). Breathing in through the left nostril and out through the right has the effect of relaxing the practitioner. The nadis, as part of the energetic body, are of course connected with the chakras. Ida nadi (and pingala nadi) run alongside the spine and pass through the seven major chakras.